Learning Resources
Want more of what you learned at Flandrau? We've got recommendations for you to continue the learning on your own.
Things to Watch

Flandrau Science Snacks
Check out Flandrau's Science Snacks Youtube playlist for bite-sized science content!

TEDxUArizona: The Spirit of Wonder
An engaging Youtube playlist of TED Talks by the University of Arizona's best and brightest!

PBS LearningMedia: Ocean Life
Learn more about coral reefs, kelp forests, shark biology and more with PBS!

UArizona Department of Computer Science Webcams
These daily time lapses show the Santa Catalina Mountains looking north across the University of Arizona campus and include time and weather conditions.
Things to Do
Citizen science is research conducted with participation from the general public. Want to get involved?
- NASA Citizen Science Projects Catalog: Pick from NASA's 31 open citizen science projects, and help map exoasteroids, trace exotic clouds in the Martian atmosphere, or decode signals from gamma ray bursts! Many projects only require a cell phone or a laptop.
- iNaturalist: iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature. It is often the online home of bioblitzes, which are community efforts to record as many species as possible within a designated location and time period. All you need is something to take photos, a phone or laptop, and an account.
- Arizona Institute for Resilience Citizen Science Projects: The University of Arizona and its research partners value the involvement and dedication of community members in contributing to scientific knowledge. Check out Project Harvest, the National Phenology Network, and more!
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Education: Opportunities and resources from across NOAA for students, educators, and curious people everywhere.
- Science Friday: Science Friday partners with educators and scientists to create free STEM activities, lessons, and resources for all learners.
- OLogy: The science website for kids from the American Museum of Natural History; browse games, readings, and hands-on activities on a variety of topics.
- American Chemical Society Education Resources: From lesson plans and classroom activities to textbooks and multimedia, ACS has a wide variety of chemistry education resources to meet your needs.
- NASA Space Place: Browse games, crafts, activities, videos, and more by topics from the Earth to the Universe.